"mars en de beer"
/ how to break free from the legacy and internalization of male violence?
/ what could a future without patriarchy look like? what might it smell like, feel like, sound like?
/ what does your dream image of the masculinities of the future look like?
stage and costume design Thijs Haesen, Luna Musch
technology and light design Tyrell Bergwijn, Leander Helmich, Herik Karsten, Mitchel Terlouw
Roos Harinarain
dramaturgy advice and fotos Petra van Dijk
Mara van Vlijmen
Jibbe Willems
Ibbe de Bruin
performers and music Zon Donze,
Daan Hogervorst, Duco Ouwendijk, Bryce van Eijk, Roos van Norden
presentations june 19th 2024, 11:00am and 08:30pm, at MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam
june 20th 2024,
02:00pm and 06:40pm, at MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam
june 26th 2024,
01:10pm, at Toneelacademie Maastricht
videos available on request
author, director, language coaching, music & light design, producer
"buch der taten" (poster from the class presentation)
/ if we could look back from the future to the present, what are the actions we could have taken to prevent our world from becoming a dystopia?
/ can we write a book that can be read in the past?
/ is the feeling of powerlessness a sign of our times? and where does it come from?
visual art/stage/costume Anna Lauryssen, Valerie Ludwig
dramaturgy Jona Castelein
speaking choir Kyra Kay van de
Watering, Armin Dorrani, Josephine Arendsen, Simon Kleinhesselink
ta Clara van Bragt
presentations april 16th 2024, 01:30pm and 06:00pm, at Toneelacademie Maastricht
videos available on request
director, music & light design, producer
/ by examining the grounds of a place, where there has been a wall, can i become this wall? can i melt into it‘s old frame? how would it feel to be this wall, carrying everything above?
/ can i empower a space by asking myself: where would this space want me to stay? here, in it‘s corner? or there, on the side?
/ what lies hidden in these little cracks on the wooden floor? can i reach deep enough through them to find the building’s history?
stage/costume design Bonnie Verhoeven
choreography Bi Hongshan
performer Helena Linnert-Fuller
presentations february 2nd and 3rd 2024, 07:00pm, at Neuer Markt 1, 1010 Wien
videos available on request
"de presidentes in de kelder" (with texts from "de presidentes", Werner Schwab)
/ how do some people fear 'the cellar', while it is a room of freedom and self expression to others?
/ does the place of living determine where people hide their secrets?
/ do right-wing extremist opinions only appeal to right-wing extremist people? or does everyone, my best friends, my grandma, even I myself need to examine and reflect my own potential of holding right-wing extremist opinions?
stage/costume design Jill Gielkens
actresses Ezri den Outer, Floor Burdack
presentations december 12th 2023, 02:00pm, at Toneelacademie Maastricht
video available on request
co-director, co-stage-designer, co-costume-designer
together with Floor Burdack
"baar me beton"
with texts from "bloedbad" (Gustav Ernst)
actors/actresses Jip Boschma, Adhem Kouta, Zippora Peters, Emilio Pramatarov, Joseph JoJo Risamasu, Birsu Tamer
presentations february 14th 2023, 05:30pm and 07:30pm, at Toneelacademie Maastricht
director, stage-designer, costume-designer
together with Luuk Bellemakers, Floor Burdack, Jona Castelein,
Irene Hogervorst, Siem Steinmann, Ben Verwegen, Fenna Vissers
"de zaak antigone"
with texts from Antigone - Sofokles / Antigone - Jean Anouil / Zus van - Lot Vekemans
actors/actresses Luuk Bellemakers, Floor Burdack, Jona Castelein, Irene Hogervorst,
Siem Steinmann, Ben Verwegen, Fenna Vissers, Juri Zanger
presentations 20th of december 2022, 12:00am and 02:30pm,
at Toneelacademie Maastricht
photos (first six from a scene directed by me, last three from a scene in which I played):
director, producer and author of the shortfilm
synopsis the short film "MAX" tells the story of a teenager who tries to overcome a
childhood trauma
actors/actresses Simon Maria Kubiena, Silvia Schwinger, Hemma Clementi, Phillip Bauer, Emil
de Cillia, Kilian Berger
links for the trailer, click here
for the film, click here (password upon request)